Friday, September 21, 2012

1687 - Chapter 1 (of 10)

Little sister comes to me and says, "I think you need to do ten chapters, not five because ten is-" awesome hand gestures, "yea, five just, you know, like, isn't in there enough but ten! Ten is deep." Yeah, you can tell we're related.

So this is the first of 10 chapters. I've upped my dose. Why? Because I can do it. Why can I do it? God.  Call me crazy, I call myself crazy three or four times a morning but the truth is in the... pie charts? Let's just spell it pie because who doesn't like pie? 'specially strawberry or banana! But anywho! You already know my views on the belief of a god and I believe that my God should be spelled with a cap G. There has been a change in my life and it's the only thing that has changed. If it's a mistake then it's a mistake that's helping and that's enough for me to follow. And it's not like I'm going in blind, I can see God working in the lives of others. This isn't a passing phase. Christianity is here to stay!

No duh...

So you don't want to read this crud. Here is the writing! Sorry it took so long for me to write. This week did not go how I planned it haha but hey, things that need to be done have priority over my hobby. So yeah! Without further adue, here is my first chapter (of 10)!

1687 words strong!


     Chapter 1
     Aiden rapped his fist against the beaten wooden door, the sound breaking the midnight silence. He quickly scanned the dark street. No guards - not that any ever patrolled this part of town. Not if they could help it. Usually they kept to the north side where the inns were. Cheap, strong ale that flowed like a woman’s mouth on a Sunday afternoon, if you had the coin to keep it going, unlike the south side where you were lucky if you found a bench that wouldn’t bite. Also there wasn’t much down here to guard, unless it be your own coin pouch and a coin spent on hot food was always better than a coin someone else spent for you.  
     Aiden knocked on the door once more, this time with a little more force. He chewed on his lower lip, a habit he’d picked up from further back then he could remember, as he waited for a response.
He rubbed the back of his neck and cursed in a langue he didn’t know. If he didn’t need the coin so badly he would have slunk away into the shadows and gone back to the wall to wait for a job, but as it was he didn’t have the luxury of being picky for the sake of something so simple as his safety. He needed all the work he could get. Beggars and choosers and all that rot.
He looked over his shoulder again. Still no sign of a guard, but that didn’t mean some unlucky watchman hadn’t been caught off of his route and was even now shuffling back to the south side, which’d make him all the more eager to turn his frustration on whoever was unfortunate to run along his path after curfew.
A shiver ran down Aiden’s spine, making his fingers begin to fidget. It’d be just his luck.
He had the nerves left for one more go, but as he raised his hand to knock for the last time he heard a rusty steel bolt grind back against wood and a moment later the door creaked open just enough to reveal the face of a gaunt woman. If she hadn’t been so painfully bony and pale, Aiden might have said she was a beauty to behold. But as she was with a torn and faded scarf hanging loosely over her head and around her thin shoulders, a few strands of graying blond hair had escaped from the cloth, all he could say for certain was that she was in deep need of a good broth.
“Flynn sent you?” She asked in a weak and breathy voice, as if the effort to peel the door back had taken all her strength. Her green eyes scanned the street for any signs of a guard.
“Yeah,” he said. “and don’t worry. I wouldn’t have come if anyone was around to see me.”
She nodded. “Of course, of course.”
There were a few moments of silence before Aiden prodded on, “Doesn’t mean someone won’t be coming by.”
“Oh...yes, sorry.” She said, taking his meaning. “I’m new to all this.” She explained as she pulled the door open with, just enough for Aiden to slip inside. As soon as he was in she took a final look out side before closing it and with a thin and shaky arm, bolting it shut.
It took Aiden a moment for his eyes to adjust to the poor light but when they had he took a quick survey of the little house, which didn’t take long as you’ll soon see. An empty stone hearth that looked to see more webs and rats then fires. Empty cupboards. A broken water pump. A cooking pot that was as bare as Aiden’s purse. But what caught his attention was a rickety bed where three children sat. One boy, no older than eight, and two girls, one possibly twelve and the other just a few years older than her, possibly two or three years younger than himself. They had no blankets, pillows or sheets and the mattress they sat on was sagging low about ready to fall to pieces. Their eyes followed him. Scared, innocent and completely helpless.
All at once Aiden felt a lump begin to grow in the pit of his stomach. Whether they had intended it or not, he knew he couldn’t take pay from these people. Unlike others who’d been longer in his trade he still had a heart and those children had just plucked it like a harp.
 “We need food.” The woman said from behind him and he turned to look at her. She was leaning heavily against the door. Aiden wondered if she had the strength to support herself. “We don’t have much-“ she began but Aiden was already shaking his head.
 “Keep it. Your family needs it more than I do.”
Complete incomprehension came over the woman’s face. Either she was one of the best actresses he’d ever seen or this lady hadn’t hoped in a thousand years to be hearing what had just come from Aiden’s lips which made his decision all the sweeter.
Finally she managed to say as her mind failed to try and find the hidden agenda or angle behind what this young man had just said to her, “But we need food.”
“I’ll bring it for you.” He said.
She blinked. “But-“
He took the woman’s hand. It was shaking. “You don’t have to pay.” He assured her then let his smile show. “Just don’t let it get around, ehh?”
“Thank...thank you so much.” She whispered, a weak smile spreading across her delicate features. “I think I need to sit down.”
It happened so fast, without warning or sign or gasp of breath. Her knees buckled, her shoulders going slack and she collapsed, but Aiden was quick. He caught the woman before she hit the floor and scooped her up. There was a scream from one of the girls, Aiden wasn’t sure which, but before he could look to them, the oldest of the three quickly grabbed her two younger sibling’s hands, pulling them off the mattress, and said to Aiden with wide eyes, “The...the bed. You can put her on the bed.”
He did.
“What’s happening to mommy?” The little boy whimpered from behind his sister’s gown.
“Kayli,” said the older to her younger sister. Aiden could tell she was trying to keep her voice strong for their sake. “Take Homer’s hand while I talk with the man.”
Kayli did so, taking him to the corner where she sat with him and began to tell him something that Aiden couldn’t hear. A smile cracked on the little boy’s face that seemed to light the room.
“So what’s wrong with her?” The girl asked as she moved to her mother’s side, taking her hand like her younger sister had done with Homer.
“Starvation.” Aiden said after a few moments. There was no way to blunt it. The girl swallowed hard, her jaw quivering as she kissed her mother’s hand.
“It’s okay mommy, it’s okay. We’re going to fix this.” She looked at Aiden, tears threatening to spill over. “There is something we can do for her, right?”
This girl was about to loose it, Aiden knew. He needed to choose his next words very, very, carefully. One wrong word and who knew what could happen. 
“It’s alright.” He said, taking the most calming tone he knew. “She’s going to be fine, alright? I want you to trust me that it’s going to be fine. I know how to bring-” Stay off that path, Aiden. “Umm... I know how to help your mother. I’ll be back in a few hours with food.” Her eyes began to go wide and Aiden quickly began to reassure her. “Don’t worry. Just take a breath...” It took her a moment to realize that he was being literal. She took the breath. It helped to calm her nerves – a little. That was good. Now just to give her something to do so she didn’t have a panic attack while he was gone. “Now what I want you to do while I’m out getting food is to get a cloth and some water, soak the cloth and put it between her lips. It’ll put something into her system. Also-“ he reached to the back of his belt and pulled out a leather bag and opened it. The smell of cured beef filled the little house. “if she comes too in the next few hours, start feeding her that. It’s just some jerky. It’s not enough to do everything we’re needing but it’s something. If she’s still unconscious in two or three hours then I want you and your brother and sister to eat it. The last thing you, or they, need is someone else ending up like your mother”
The girl nodded again, trying hard not to forget anything he told her. Her lips moved as she silently went and re-went through every instruction.
Aiden stood, handed her the jerky and wanted to shake his head, though he thought better of it. Tonight had not gone at all as he imagined it. He really needed to grow a backbone. But another look at the woman on the bed and her terrified children - well backbones were meant to give a little.
“Alright. So I’ll be back in a few hours. Keep an ear open for my knock.” He hesitated, not sure how to end off. He never was the best with farewells and goodbyes. Finally he just decided to leave with a simple, awkward, wave but as he walked to the door, sliding back the lock, he heard the little boy’s say, “Thank you...”
The voice was so quite and scared but they were two words to make granite melt.
Aiden felt the burning begin in his throat and without so much as a back glance he was outside, the door closing behind him.
“You’re welcome.” He whispered back for only the darkness to hear and began to move. 


What did you think? I just wrote and I'm going to go from there. Give it a rating and what not. You know the drill =) Thanks for reading!

Daily Reading: Psalm 119:33-40 (Learn God's laws. Dwell on them and keep them in your heart and you'll be alright. Sin isn't freedom. Freedom is not having to go back for your fix of porn, gossip or anything you idolize. Freedom is living a free life where you don't have to worry about someone holding something over your head or getting...that feeling when your name is called and you don't know if they've found out. You know what I'm talking about. Freedom is freedom and I THANK GOD FOR MY FREEDOM!)

Random Fact of The Day: Yea. My sisters messed with my brain about what a girl's period was until I was like fourteen. Not fare holding back such vital info back from a boy who's trying to survive in a house of women! And don't get me started on menopause. Oh gosh.

"Things are going to go a little differently. Remember when you didn't do your homework and mom got mad and yelled at you? Yea, that's not going to happen anymore. First she'll just crying and then she'll kill you. Just saying, you see the tears beginning to flow, you'd better hide all the sharp stuff."

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