Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Chapter 2

Alright, you might be thinking, 'Wow, this guy is such a slacker! Not another chapter in days!' Well that's true but I haven't been slacking. I've been writing at least a thousand words a day so this chapter is going to be much longer than the first. It's almost ready to read, maybe by the end of tonight or tomorrow. But definitely by tomorrow. Yeah. So there you are! No slacking and it'll come soon! Hope you enjoy when it does.

Random Fact of The Day: The purpose of gasoline rationing during the Second World War was not to conserve gas, but to conserve TIRES. The primary source for natural rubber at the time was Southeast Asia, much of which was under Japanese control. That's awesome! I have no idea since it's actually a pretty boring fact but I think it's quite interesting.

Daily Reading: Haven't done my reading for today yet but I'll share what I've been going through. Psalm 119 has been pretty mind blowing. Running theme would probably be the lower you are in pride the more God blesses you. Also studying and meditating on God's precepts and how there is no limit to the amount you can learn from his commandments. Every time I read the word law or precept or anything relating to that kind of thing I run through the Ten Commandments in my head.
One Bun - You shall not have any other gods before me (people make buns/food their god all the time)
Two Shoe - You shall not make for yourself a carven image both from heaven or earth (J.Lo idolizes her shoes)
Three Tree - You shall not take the Lord your God's name in vain (cus if you do a tree will fall on you)
Four Door - Remember the sabbath day and keep it holy. (You can't open a door! That's work!)
Five hive - Honor your father and mother so that you days may be long upon the earth (Or else the hive will fall on you and you won't have a long life!)
Six Sticks - Don't murder (You kill people with sticks)
Seven Heaven - Don't commit adultery (There's no adultery in heaven)
Eight Gate - Don't steal (To get into someone's house to steal something you have to first pass through their gate)
Nine Shine - You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor (When you lie the truth/God/light will find you out)
Ten Hen - You shall not covet after your neighbors wife, nor his donkey nor his maidservant. (Dude, that's not your hen! Don't covet after it! Get your own fried chicken!)

So that's my method to reciting it. It works really well. Why did I put it up? I thought it might be useful to you.

Alright, later! Have a good one!

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