Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Can I Get That Text Messaging Plan... Overdone please?

Wow... this week has just been heaven. From little muts chewing up my Moleskin writing journal ($10) to my sister overcharging my texting plan ($23) and my good student driver discount not kicking in for a few weeks so really I have to pay an exorbitant amount (not sure yet $) for those weeks where tripple A made the mistake to where I had to pay for a tank of gas ($60) for my dad's car because they would't except his card (I was running errands for him! I pay for my gas when I go to places) and overpaying the family for some classes I took ($70) then having to pay $400 for teeth stuff because I'm a stupid fricking moron...Man... I am really just depressed right now. Loosing money makes me sick. I literally feel like part of my soul is just being torn out.

Ahh well. I guess I just need to learn to value money less. Money comes and money goes. I'll live. The Bible says just give me enough. Not so much that I'll forget you and not so little that I'll curse you, but just give me enough so that I'll remember you. Heaven knows I have enough. I guess all I can do with this is make sure it doesn't happen again.

Wow... I put that last paragraph in because I was thinking, 'Wow, you really started that thing off on a downer. Just put in a quick line about 'whatever-ing' it off then move on'. But writing it down, that actually made a difference. It allowed me to realize that money is just money and it doesn't really matter. So thanks for that! My soul feels good now. Who knew this could be therapeutic?

Oh...writing. How's that going? Sure you want to keep going on the depressing road? Just remember that whatever you've seen on here is all the writing I've done. Chores, school, odd jobs, working out or just some wonderful R&R. Between all that I just haven't had time. I know that I could squeeze it in but it's just getting past that mentality of, 'But I could be doing this instead...' I really need to get past it. Sorry. This is not my month haha.

Alright. That's about it for me right now. I'll post something a little later today. Yes. A story. Hopefully you like it. See you around the mulberry bush.

Daily Reading: Psalm 105-106. Man those Israelites really defined humanity today. When things go to long where good things and blessings are pouring down on them they forget the God that's constantly watching their butts and beging that squealing U turn then they pull the stupid face when these expected blessings that they're entitled stop. God gets mad, turns off the flow of blessings and starts hitting them with those curse cards and before you know it they're groveling back to him. Fun relationship, right? But it's all so true. Need proof? You have a younger brother or sister and parents that have a backbone? I rest my case. If you don't...just take my word for it.

Random Fact of The Day: According to the suicide statistics: Monday is the most favored day for self-destruction. I'd personally kill myself on a Sunday. End your life on a good note! But then if it was a 'good note' day then you wouldn't want to kill yourself. Yeah, Monday makes sense.

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