Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Pop goes the chicken!

Why the title? Because I went to Mc'Donnalds and lost a weeks worth of running!

So as you can see, no story. Very busy day and I'm a very tired person. I'm going to make this sucker short and sweet for you and for my beauty rest. I'm running somewhere between groggy and morning drunk so please, if I offend you within the next few paragraphs... SUCK IT UP!

So basically a quick run down of my day. Woke up, worked on some stuff, worked on some more stuff, worked on some more stuff, felt guilty for eating Micky'D's, read my Bible and now I'm posting to you. Glad you enjoyed my life.

Now here's something I want you to check out. My sister is entering a competition called, 'Get In The Show'. It's for this audio drama program we listen to called Adventures In Odyssey. I've been listening to it for like... forever and the same with my little sister (proud to say I still listen to it religiously!). It's the best audio drama ever. I dare you to listen to an episode. ( You'll be hooked, I guarantee it. Yes that was in the Men's Warehouse voice. Either that or, 'The most interesting man in the world' voice. Take your pick. Anyhow check out the video. I put it together in break neck spare timing and actually it didn't turn out to bad. So give it a like or say you love it or something. Believe me, if I'm glad you liked one of my blogs, Sierra will cry if you like her audition.

( CHECK-IT-OUT!! Please.... 

Okay! Well that's it for me really. I'm sure there's more for me to say but really, I've just plain forgotten everything except my bed and a cup of water. Mmmm water. Isn't it so good? I can't believe that some people don't like it! Give me water over soda any day! And don't even get me started on mashed - oh crap. My brain is doing that weird wandering thing again. Sorry. Later!

Daily Reading: Mathew 1 - I may have already read this but I felt I needed to read it again. One thing that's pretty cool is that I've been struggling with how God could be real and in God being real, Jesus being real, which obviously is the basis of any Christians belief.  So what I ask you to tell me is how could God not be real? Look at a tree. Look at the sky and the sun and the stars (yes I know the sun and the stars are the same, just one is closer). Look at the complex inner workings of our bodies! Look at how people are able to function and how our brain can communicate with the rest of our body (that qualified with the last sentence didn't it? Ahh well) It's impossible for all of that to just come into being without a creator. It just can't happen. There has to be a mind behind it all. It would take more faith for me to believe in nothing than it would to believe in God.

Random Fact of The Day: New Zealand is the first country to allow women to vote. I...have nothing to say. Not because I'm against women's right to vote but just because... gosh I'm tired and this is the first thing I saw that made me laugh! Goood-night people!!

"Water tribe..."

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